Gose, a German-style wheat beer with a unique flavor focused on tart, salt, and funk, was a regional Liepzig favorite in the 1800’s that nearly disappeared after WWII. We’re happy to take part in its more recent rediscovery with our own CasaGose—named for our nearby historic village of Casanova. ‘A village nearly untouched by modern intrusions’, Casanova, like CasaGose, gives you a taste of a style and time nearly lost to us. Crisp and tangy, with notes of lemon-lime, and a lightly salty finish, enjoy CasaGose as we bring back the art of this perfect summer brew.

Fauquier County Well Water, 2-Row Brewers Malt, Red Wheat Malt, Pilsen Malt, Bonlander Munich Malt 10L, Fuggles Hops, Pink Himalayan Salt
ABV - 3.8%
IBU - 8
SRM - 3
OG - 10.3 °P
FG - 3.2 °P